In this Candy Pill series, the work comments on the ineffectual, overprescribing of drugs to address chronic pain and other ailments. Instead, the paintings become the curing medicine - beautiful objects with positive effects that outlast any pill. The repeated circles and ovals in the paintings represent a plethora of pills. In today’s culture, people depend upon pills to “fix” everything and anything. Prescriptions are doled out as if pills were literally candy, hence the vibrant candy-like colors and tactile nature of the pieces. Starting a painting without knowing its end result reflects the struggle of seeking resolution to one's ailments. For every feeling there is a medication that purports to cover it up; a preoccupation with pills to deal with discomfort. Layer upon layer, each painting expresses the struggle from agony towards the unattainable goal of bliss without pain. Vibrant colors express the aspiration. The multiple layers journal differing moods. The markings and texture - whether scratches, circles, lines, brush strokes, drips, pours or splotches - denote the journey from defeat to hazed detachment. Despite it all, the paintings attempt to balance this disjointed experience. Please click on paintings to see medium, enlarged view and to scroll through images.
Candy Pill | Series
(c) 2007-2010 Marika Krissman Tsircou